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Here rests Micael Magalhaes’ collection of thoughts. Writing as an art in the intention to relief its own mind of its demons and gods. To disclose his philosophical, noisy and paradoxical perspective of the world.

On Shiva and the path to growth

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Having a panic attack is not easy; Trust me. Specially when you’re mentally harming yourself and loved ones. Two days ago I stampede, shattered and ripped 90% or more of my artistic portfolio. It consisted of more than seven years of hard work. Reasons to do so are so complex and entwine that is extremely difficult to cover it all briefly. Even with the confusion, one of the main matter in my head was:

I’m not good enough - cognate to a classic human dilemma.
Anyhow, I’m aware I won’t lose this fallout over time. Surely, let’s not forget difficulties incite one to be: better, competitive and enticed. Additionally, expectations are the main ingredient of frustration. Don’t expect the word to give you all. Goals are essential, however, they’re useless without actions. Ambition is what you do everyday to achieve your objectives.

Supposedly, if I were to be a god, it would probably be Shiva. She’s the example that annihilation can manure wonderfulness; Also that bad situations can strengthen you. 

Shiva Shiva

Phoenix wisdom, break the impenetrable and rebuild gaia from your implosion.

Let’s master from our mess, turn into ashes then become; us.